Model Creator: Francesco Decio
Model Source: OrigamiUSA
Materials needed: One square piece of paper.
1. Read the Exploration task.
2. Use the diagram instructions below to construct a pyramid.
Exploration task: What are some different 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes that you see in your final model? What is the area of the original square piece of paper? What is the area of the pyramid? What is the volume of the pyramid?
The Coronavirus has affected people all over the world, including Egypt and Mexico, countries with pyramids that look somewhat like the one you just made. This is a good time to remember that people from all of the world have many similarities, including that. we are all human no matter where we are from. Write to or text a friend who is from somewhere that is different than you and wish them well during this time.
I am not sure if I did this completely right. I think the dimensions of the paper I used were too small, which made it a bit more difficult.